Convert gigabit/second to megabyte/second (Gbps to MBps)

Batch Convert
  • megabyte/second [MBps]
  • gigabit/second [Gbps]
  • megabyte/second [MBps]
  • gigabit/second [Gbps]

Gigabit/second to Megabyte/second (Gbps to MBps)

Gigabit/second (Symbol or Abbreviation: Gbps, Gb/s)

Gigabit/second is one of data transmission rate units. Gigabit/second abbreviated or symbolized by Gbps, Gb/s. The value of 1 gigabit/second is equal to 1000000000 bit/second. In its relation with megabyte/second, 1 gigabit/second is equal to 125 megabyte/second.

Relation with other units

1 gigabit/second equals to 1,000,000,000 bit/second

1 gigabit/second equals to 125,000,000 byte/second

1 gigabit/second equals to 1,000,000 kilobit/second

1 gigabit/second equals to 125,000 kilobyte/second

1 gigabit/second equals to 1,000 megabit/second

1 gigabit/second equals to 125 megabyte/second

1 gigabit/second equals to 0.125 gigabyte/second

1 gigabit/second equals to 0.001 terabit/second

1 gigabit/second equals to 0.000125 terabyte/second

Megabyte/second (Symbol or Abbreviation: MBps, MB/s)

Megabyte/second is one of data transmission rate units. Megabyte/second abbreviated or symbolized by MBps, MB/s. The value of 1 megabyte/second is equal to 8000000 bit/second. In its relation with gigabit/second, 1 megabyte/second is equal to 0.008 gigabit/second.

Relation with other units

1 megabyte/second equals to 8,000,000 bit/second

1 megabyte/second equals to 1,000,000 byte/second

1 megabyte/second equals to 8,000 kilobit/second

1 megabyte/second equals to 1,000 kilobyte/second

1 megabyte/second equals to 8 megabit/second

1 megabyte/second equals to 0.008 gigabit/second

1 megabyte/second equals to 0.001 gigabyte/second

1 megabyte/second equals to 0.000008 terabit/second

1 megabyte/second equals to 0.000001 terabyte/second

How to convert Gigabit/second to Megabyte/second (Gbps to MBps):

Conversion Table for Gigabit/second to Megabyte/second (Gbps to MBps)

gigabit/second (Gbps) megabyte/second (MBps)
0.01 Gbps 1.25 MBps
0.1 Gbps 12.5 MBps
1 Gbps 125 MBps
2 Gbps 250 MBps
3 Gbps 375 MBps
4 Gbps 500 MBps
5 Gbps 625 MBps
6 Gbps 750 MBps
7 Gbps 875 MBps
8 Gbps 1,000 MBps
9 Gbps 1,125 MBps
10 Gbps 1,250 MBps
20 Gbps 2,500 MBps
25 Gbps 3,125 MBps
50 Gbps 6,250 MBps
75 Gbps 9,375 MBps
100 Gbps 12,500 MBps
250 Gbps 31,250 MBps
500 Gbps 62,500 MBps
750 Gbps 93,750 MBps
1,000 Gbps 125,000 MBps
100,000 Gbps 12,500,000 MBps
1,000,000,000 Gbps 125,000,000,000 MBps
1,000,000,000,000 Gbps 125,000,000,000,000 MBps

Conversion Table for Megabyte/second to Gigabit/second (MBps to Gbps)

megabyte/second (MBps) gigabit/second (Gbps)
0.01 MBps 0.00008 Gbps
0.1 MBps 0.0008 Gbps
1 MBps 0.008 Gbps
2 MBps 0.016 Gbps
3 MBps 0.024 Gbps
4 MBps 0.032 Gbps
5 MBps 0.04 Gbps
6 MBps 0.048 Gbps
7 MBps 0.056 Gbps
8 MBps 0.064 Gbps
9 MBps 0.072 Gbps
10 MBps 0.08 Gbps
20 MBps 0.16 Gbps
25 MBps 0.2 Gbps
50 MBps 0.4 Gbps
75 MBps 0.6 Gbps
100 MBps 0.8 Gbps
250 MBps 2 Gbps
500 MBps 4 Gbps
750 MBps 6 Gbps
1,000 MBps 8 Gbps
100,000 MBps 800 Gbps
1,000,000,000 MBps 8,000,000 Gbps
1,000,000,000,000 MBps 8,000,000,000 Gbps

Steps to Convert Gigabit/second to Megabyte/second (Gbps to MBps)

  1. Example: Convert 512 gigabit/second to megabyte/second (512 Gbps to MBps).
  2. 1 gigabit/second is equivalent to 125 megabyte/second (1 Gbps is equivalent to 125 MBps).
  3. 512 gigabit/second (Gbps) is equivalent to 512 times 125 megabyte/second (MBps).
  4. Retrieved 512 gigabit/second is equivalent to 64000 megabyte/second (512 Gbps is equivalent to 64000 MBps).
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